What Is the STRA Register and Why Was It Introduced in Western Australia
Discover what the STRA Register is and why it was introduced in Western Australia. Learn how it impacts Airbnb hosts and ensures compliance with local regulations.

How the Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) Register Will Affect Your Airbnb
Learn how WA’s new STRA register impacts Airbnb hosts. Key compliance tips and strategies to keep your property thriving.

Do I Need Council Approval to run an Airbnb in WA?
Discover if you need council approval to run an Airbnb in Fremantle, WA. Stay compliant with local regulations for a hassle-free hosting experience.

Pros & Cons of renting your investment property as an Airbnb
Explore the pros & cons of renting your Fremantle or Perth property our as an Airbnb or short term rental.

Is it hard to manage an Airbnb?
Explore key tips for Airbnb hosting success. Learn to manage guest interactions, maintain cleanliness, optimise listings, and navigate legalities.

What do Airbnb Managers Do?
Learn how Airbnb managers optimise your property listing, handle emergencies, and use smart marketing to secure top bookings and guest satisfaction.

Understanding Fremantle’s Short Stay Accommodation Regulations
If you're looking to launch your first short stay rental in Fremantle this detailed guide is your first step towards fully understanding and complying with the City of Fremantle’s specific requirements.